Flat CSS Buttons
Free DownloadDark Backround vs Light Background
* CSS - Only (no images)
* 3 sizes (Large, Medium, Small)
* 3 types (square, round, oval)
* 6 Different colors * Works in button, a, input tags
* Works in FireFox, Safari, Chrome, Opera, IE9 and up
*Works with Bootstrap and Foundation front-end frameworks and font-awesome
Getting Started
Add flat-css-buttons-standard.css file to as link in the header your html document
<link href="css/flat-css-buttons-standard.css" rel="stylesheet" />
If you want to use font-awesome icons add font-awesome to the header your html document
Documentation for Font-Awesome Icons
<link href="css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<button class="fl fl-default">Button</button>
<input type="button" value="Button" class="fl fl-default"/>
a tag
<a href="#" class="fl fl-default"> a tag </a>
Use .fl-lg for Large, .fl-md for Medium, .fl-sm for small buttons
<button class="fl fl-default fl-lg">Button</button>
Use .fl-rd-sq for rounded square buttons or .fl-ovl for oval buttons, the square button is the .fl-default class. To add a shadow use .fl-shadow class
<button class="fl fl-rd-sq fl-md ">Button</button>
If you want to add a shadow use the fl-shadow class
<button class="fl fl-rd-sq fl-md fl-shadow">Button</button>
How to add a font awesome icon
<button class="fl fl-default fl-sm"><i class="fa fa-check"></i> icon</button>
Standard Colors
Use.fl-default (agua) for the default color, to add a different class color replace the .fl-default with another color
<button class="fl fl-dark fl-md">Button</button>